
I’m not a first-class sample
Lord, it’s true,
Of what Your
All-transforming grace
Can do!
No ‘specimen’ to hold up
FOr inspection,
No ‘evidence’
Of Spirit-wrought

My faith is sometimes flawed,
My trust in tatters,
But You still hope for me,
That’s all that matters.

I’m not much of a sample
It’s the truth.
But of Your patience
I’m the living proof!

Extrait de O Lord!, John Gowans, 1981


Is choice a tragedy ?
It seems to me
It very often is,
But must it be ?
Would it be better
If I couldn’t choose ?
Lord, in Your mercy
Teach me how to use
The precious power
You dangerously give
To choose the way I work,
The way I live.

I don’t ask You
To take the gift away,
But guide me in my choices,
Every day!

Extrait de O Lord!, John Gowans, 1981